Lion’s Gate Portal: Need some Guidance? *Video & Gorgeous Lion’s Gate Picture*
Hey there!
Sooooo, if you know me, I’m not that big into Astrology!
I do find it interesting and had my chart done/took Astrology for Beginners when I lived in Santa Barbara 20 years ago!
Here is some GREAT information on this powerful day! Picture from @Esoteric_Esa on Instagram! check her out!
Lion’s Gate Portal Information from a Numerologist!
BUT I do love doing my daily meditation practice!
And it can’t hurt to do it today (every day for me).
I’m on day 150ish of Grace of G.O.D. Meditation 2x a day!
So here we are doing our 6th, 40 day Meditation of the year! Join us!
11 minute Meditation for Self Guidance: Click link or Picture
Get in my FREE Facebook group for 24 hour/daily support! Click this link>>>>> Conversations with my Soul Sisters: Kundalini Yoga, Mediation & Wellness
Sat Nam,
Valinda “Still Your Mind, Open Your Heart, Speak Your Truth & Live Your Dreams” South Bay Yoginis