So it’s been awhile! A year & 1/2 since I wrote. My daughter just finished her first year of College & is working full time at her internship, home for the summer, my heart is full. [...]
I’m missing Yoga Retreats. Are you? It’s been almost 3 years since I led one. We are all suffering from Pandemic Fatigue, 2 years in, I know…it’s a REAL THING. Right??? [...]
Check out my latest article on Elephant Journal! The original title was “No-one gets Ahimsa, until we all get Ahimsa” (The spiritual ideal of non-violence) Let me know what YOU think!
“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are” Benjamin Franklin I taught my yoga class this week…….voice shaking, not [...]
Hello my dear tribe! Please support your local people…small businesses, farmers, yoga studios…2 yoga studios I know of might have to close..depending on how much longer we have to [...]
Hello my dear tribe! Since everything is canceled (My Goddess Yoga Retreat in Kauai, Hawaii postponed until July 8-14, 2020)…. I am doing 1:1 video chats on FB messenger/Facetime/IG/SKYPE [...]
Hello my dear tribe! Well another crisis is in front of us….what to do? These are the times all the prophets have told us about! Now we get to USE all the tools we have been learning for so [...]